

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011

Specific Blessings

Specific Blessings

(Genesis 28.20-22)
And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God is with me and keep me in this way that I go and give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on, and I alone to the house of my father, the Lord shall be my God : And this stone which I have set for a pillar will be God's house, and all thou shalt give me, will surely give the tenth.
Preamble: Most of the time we ask blessings did not so specify, and sometimes we are blessed by God's servants also pronounced blessings are not so specific.
We need to put a name in the blessing that we receive, as a blessing in itself is generic, but we teach today about the specifics. Health, food, peace, employment, security, are examples of specific blessings.
I - LET A SPECIFIC REQUEST FOR BLESSING IN PRAYER1. Requests should be specific: How we see the details in the prayer of Jacob was a trip, was fleeing from his brother, he specifically asks five blessings: Campania, security, food, clothing, peace.
2. We should expect the blessing: We can mark the date of the application to see how many days it takes to get the answer.
3. We place an order: Orders placed online or by catalog, we used to be very specific. We note the series, color, or weight, power, because objects and things are different shapes, colors and prices.
4. Be organized with the request of the blessing: We should write our prayers and enumerate them, and put a date, just so I could learn the wealth answered. George Muller got 50 thousand answered prayers in England because of an orphanage, two thousand children in five buildings. He became a missionary to the age of 65, in the last 17 years won 30 thousand souls, he noted in his diary.
II - APPLICATIONS FOR IMPROVING OUR BLESSINGS1. Prayers unthinking In what some are so accustomed to pray, their prayers come to be almost unconscious, they say many words without thinking, without choosing. Not flow into your soul new words of praise to God. Another major failure in those prayers are mechanical, cold, empty, without a framework, without waiting for an answer.
2. Repeated prayers (Matthew 6:7) "... do not use vain repetitions as the heathen, who think they will be heard for their much speaking." The repetitions are almost identical so we can imitate them, I remember as a child of a priest named Valentine who prayed, "Lord and loved God" Repetitions are Cacophony: Lord say 15 times in two minutes of prayer is cacophony. Suffice as the prayers of Catholicism and Islam.
3. The prayers of Catholicism: Catholicism uses the rosary, praying for 50 points, 150 Maria birds. A monotony. There are so many repetitions that they're boring tone of voice, the diction, the lack of variation in expression. The routine prevents the person who is doing this kind of prayer to impress or thrill. And a tasty prayer is one that we engage with tears, we shed our soul to the Lord.
4. Prayers packaged: There is the religious market a type of "prayer" written, to be sold, which people use to put in the portfolio as a good luck charm. This type of "prayer" I call packaged prayer, among them we find: Prayer of the Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary, Hail Mary, act of restraint, glory to the Father, the guardian angel, family prayer, a blessing for the home , good trip, the vestibule of pregnant women, couples, the catechist, teacher, worker, secretary, doctor, the driver, Valentines, miracle of armor.
5. The prayers of Islam: prayer also use packaged by prescribing large amounts, up to 70 times: There are 114 Surat, with several verses each.
6. Let us make use of adjectives: The purpose is to fill God's praise: Eternal large, very high, true, true. Also, the possessive adjectives: My God, my rock, my shield, my sun, my shadow, my stronghold.
7. Then we make mention of the biblical story, open the Red Sea (think of it, choose details) might be a shadow to thy people in the desert and the desert heat at 40 °, you led your people the night fire, light and heat temperatures below 0 °. Also mention that with manna, (9.11 Nm) that lifted water from the rock (Numbers 20:11) who sent quail (Numbers 11:31) that their clothes waxed not old, (Dt 29.5) that there were sick among them. (Ps. 105.37) "...among their tribes no one sick. "
III - EXAMPLE OF SIX prayer for something specific.1. Jabez: (1 Cor 4:10) And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, If thou bless me, and enlarge my, and your hand be with me, that evil and do not grieve me! And God granted him what he requested.
2. Ana: (1 Sm 1:27) For this child I prayed and the Lord answered me my petition which I had done.
3. From Samson repented, prayed for one last chance to fulfill its mission to defeat the Philistines maximum; God answered this prayer to give strength to pull the pillars of the building where the enemies were extolling the power of their gods (Judges 16.21-30).
4. Elijah: God answered the prayers of Elijah in at least four major occasions, two of them look up James 5:17-18 prayed and asked it not to rain for three years and six months, it did not rain upon the earth. And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain and the earth produced its fruit.
5. Hezekiah: Hezekiah became ill and Isaiah told him he would die (2 Kings 20.1 and Isaiah 38.1). Hezekiah, recognizing that his life and work were incomplete, turned his face to the wall and prayed earnestly to God to prolong his life. God sent Isaiah back to Hezekiah to ensure healing and fifteen years of life (2 Kings 20:2-6 and Isaiah 38.2-6).
6. The early Church: The early Christians prayed constantly to God for Peter's release from prison, and God sent an angel to free him (Acts 12.3-11).
7. Things we can ask: Wisdom Workers, Health, Peace, "... whatever you want ..." (John 15:7) not only for our pleasures (James 4.3) "Ye ask and receive not, because you ask amiss, tospend it on your pleasures. " God will not give you a car if you do not know driving, not having a garage and this car will not take you away from Him.
III - THE BLESSING OF GOD SPECIFICATIONS1. Specific request, the station states: (Zech 10.1) "I asked the Lord rain in the spring rain, even the Lord that makes lightning, and give you abundant rain, and every one grass in the field." You will not ask sweaters in the summer but in winter.
2. God knows before we speak: (Isaiah 65:24) "And will Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear." But that does not mean that we need not ask or pray.
3. God knows what we need (Matthew 6:8) "... for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of before you ask him."
4. God knows how to give good things (Matthew 7:11) "If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more will your Father in heaven, give to those who ask him?"
Author: Theophilus KarkleVia:

Pr Karkle Theophilus, is pastor and missionary in Chile since 1991.It also carries out his ministry as a Writer, Broadcaster, International Conferences and Professor of Theology.
E-mail: centrodealegria@hotmail.comCenter of Joy - Santiago, Chile

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