

terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2011

Vessels of Clay

The biblical writers used many pictures to convey spiritual teachings. Household items such as clay vessels have been cited numerous times. Objects thus present in every house, they became good teaching resources, facilitating the understanding of many lessons for all listeners and readers.
In many texts, the man is compared to the vessel, since both are made from clay (Sal.31.12; Jr.22.28; 51.34). In others, the very nation of Israel is represented in this way (Jr.18.1-6; 19.1,10,11; Is.30.14. Os.8.8). The potter becomes a figure of God himself.
"O Lord, thou art our Father, we are the clay and thou our potter; and we all the work of your hands." (Is.64.8).
The apostle Paul quoted the vessels sometimes in his letters.For him, all people were or could be good or bad vessels (Rm.9.21). After all, he was named as a "chosen vessel" for the Lord (At.9.15). Among its instructions to the young leader Timothy we read: "So, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and useful for the Master, prepared for every good work." (II Tm.2.21).
These containers were essential in day to day, from being used to store liquids up scrolls. All people needed them. Likewise, we learn that God needs us. Strange to say, God may need something or someone, but that's because he decided to use us in his work.
And while he performed the miracle of the multiplication of the oil of the widow, he asked if they bring a lot of empty vessels (IIRs.4). If it were today, would bring a lot of aluminum cookware, or iron, but at that time, were vessels of clay. The oil stopped flowing only when the vessels are over. Although God could act in so many ways, he decided to use the vessels that were available. So, he wants to meet us at your disposal for miracles to happen.
MATERIALIn biblical times there were vessels of various types, but the most common was the mud. Make a pot of stone would be very difficult. Make a pot of mud, it would be impossible. Clay, however, with consistency and flexibility, is the ideal material for the work of the potter. God wants to work on our character. We can not be as hard as stone or unstable mud. Some people are hard, insensitive, inflexible. They do not forgive, do not repent, do not cry, do not change, learn. Often say: "I am anyway, and I will not change." Others are insecure, fickle like mud, which only serves to sully the place where you are. They can be shaped or contained. Change their minds quickly. They have no definite purpose. They are always unpredictable and unstable. With the same speed with which they convert, deviate.
The clay, however, found the best balance between their portions of land and water, becomes a raw material for the potter to perform their art with freedom and satisfaction. We must accept God's work in us, getting to know gladly be your will for our lives.We can not reject what comes from God. Aside from gossip, questioning and rebellion, accept the work of the potter.
MANUFACTURING"Go down to the potter's house and there you will hear my words." (Jr.18.2).
The clay, which for many may not have value, is seen differently by the potter, that it can discern the object that can be manufactured. God sees us all that we can be, since we are in your hands. At present, it may not yet have the desired shape by the Lord, but, if we are to shape the work begun shall be completed (Fp.1.6).
Just as God took clay and formed the first man, he is still shaping our character. The work of his hands demonstrates dedication and care for us. The clay is crushed from all sides, getting the amount of water necessary for its flexibility is maintained. He can not harden in the process.
How often we feel crushed as well? We are troubled, tried, under pressure. We are being molded. It is a transformation process to be what the Lord has planned for us, though we can not fully understand their methods and purposes.
At this point, the slag is removed. Any foreign body that is on the clay is removed. So, God can pull us something that is not pleasing to him. It can hurt. We miss, but the result will be much better.
The potter is sovereign. Only your will and your good taste are decisive on how the vessel will have (Jr.18.4). We can not ask God to do or not do something.
"Woe to him who quarrels with his Maker! Potsherd among the shards of clay! Shall the clay say to the molder: What are you doing?" (Is.45.9; Rm.9.20; Is.29.16).
Sometimes the glass is broken during manufacturing (Jr.18.4), or they may break the potter himself for not being satisfied with his form. Then the pieces are gathered and put back on the wheels. The Lord did not give up on us. If we fall and break, he gives us another opportunity. While we are in this world, we can still be shaped, while we are in God's hands. The person who flees rejects the treatment. Those who drop out of the gospel, leaving the church, are resisting the action of the hands of God.They never fail to be within reach, but can not make pots for the honor.
When the modeling phase ends and the vessel is in the form desired by the potter begins to dry. The vessel is placed somewhere where it will stay as long as necessary. He is not being shaped or used. Looks like it was abandoned and forgotten, but the potter is always attentive. Do not worry. It may seem that everything has been completed or even lost, but is not.
Before use, the vessel has yet to pass through the fire to gain strength and tightness.
"Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you" (IPd.4.12).
How often we wish to be used by the Lord! We want to be in constant activity, but are placed to wait and go through tribulations unexplained. All part of the training process.
Moses, age 40, wanted to free his people, but had to wait another 40. Joseph was aimed at 17 to 30 but only began to fulfill his calling. David, a young man, was anointed king of Israel, but had to wait many years to assume the throne. Between vocation and mission accomplishment, there is a preparation process, without which we will be able to do what God wants. We can not determine the duration of that phase, but we sure as to its occurrence.
The clay, which needs to be malleable to be shaped, it can remain flexible after the vessel is ready. So you need to go through the fire. Whoever converts to the gospel of Jesus Christ can not be converted to something else, other doctrine or religion. If you already know the Lord, we need to be resistant to other appeals or proposals to change the world.
THE CONDITION OF THE VESSELEvery vessel, no matter how good, can not be used if it is dirty.We can not be used by the Lord for the best purposes if contaminated. So we need to live in holiness. If we sin, we should beg forgiveness, washing us in the precious blood of Jesus. The vessel must be clean, inside and out (Is.66.20). The law of Moses required that the vessels were destroyed unclean (Lv.11.33, 35, 15.12). Extreme cases of filth were very specific.The vessels of the house of God must be purified, sanctified, suitable and prepared for every good work (IITm.2.21).
The contents of the pot.We find many references in the Bible to the vessels and their content. Some are mentioned containing water (Num.19.17), others with oil (ISm.10.1), wine (Joel 3:13), perfume (Lc.7.37), manna (Ex.16.33), vinegar (John 19:29), documents (Jr. 32.14) and abominations (Is.65.4).
What is our content? We are full of what? How often, someone comes to us, perhaps attracted by our exterior features, hoping to find water and vinegar think?
We are full of sin? Filled with bitterness, malice, envy? Who does not confess or not forgive, sin guard inside.
For us to be used by the Lord for his glory, we must renounce all the evil that may be carrying in our hearts. He who holds the grudge should forgive. Thus, the vessel is emptied of what is bad and can be filled with what is good, so it will overflow.
When Paul wrote to Timothy about the cleansing of the vessel (IITm.2.14-26) he referred to some things that needed to be avoided or eliminated: contest (v.14); vain babblings (v.16), injustice (v.19 ), youthful lusts (v. 22) and insane issues (v. 23).The list includes notorious sins and some items that seem to be as harmful, such as the vain babbling. However, they are practices that occupy our time, occupy space in the vase should be filled with gems. Paul advised Timothy to be filled with righteousness, faith, love, peace, gentleness, patience and aptitude for teaching (v. 22 and 24).
USEFULNESS OF VESSELWe found many biblical references on the vessels, in so many different situations, but none of them presents the vase with ornamental purposes. We found no potted plants or flowers to decorate any environment. The vessels are for the service. They must contain something useful.
The vessel is not only receiving, but container. It receives, stores, preserves and on time delivery. We must receive the word of the Lord in our hearts. By the action of the Holy Spirit, it will produce power and anointing that will flow into our lives.
CARING FOR YOUR VESSELAfter such a difficult process of training, the vessel can not fall. If this happens, you can break. While it may be remade, much time will be lost and its usefulness will be reduced. So it is with those who fail in their Christian life, becoming a scandal.
When the Bible compares us to earthen vessels, she exhorts us to humility. The very term "humility" comes from "humus," the Latin word meaning "clay." What each of us sees himself simply, knowing that we are in God's hands, dependent on their mercy.
More important than the vessel is its content:
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power is from God and not from us" (IICo.4.7).
Christ dwells in us, and that means we have a great value. We can never forget that. If we do something great in the kingdom of God, have been the merits of Jesus, which operated in us so wonderful. Put yourself in the hands of the potter. He wants to transform it and use it.

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