

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2011

The Doctrine of the Sovereignty of God

Another doctrine that predestination is the means of God's Sovereignty. We have already discussed, in the second chapter of this thesis, the doctrine of God's sovereignty as an argument in favor of the decrees of God Himself. So let's be brief.

The sovereignty of God is not only a Calvinist doctrine, but is kept by all Christians. All admit that God is sovereign in creation and providence. It should also be sovereign in salvation.

We can prove God's sovereignty in salvation by the doctrines of total depravity and the new birth, we have already considered.Since God is sovereign, He has power to create so as not to create. And since man is dead in trespasses and sins and God has the power to create or not create, the recreation of man depends entirely on the sovereignty and mercy. God is so sovereign in creation of man to new life, as sovereign in his first work of creation. If we recognize that God is sovereign to create or not create the physical world, to be consistent we must recognize that He is sovereign to create or not create the spirit world. And that's just admit that God has the right to be God.

If God had to choose men because of something in them, depend on his creatures and thus would not be sovereign.

"What we had chosen for them to attract the heart of God? Are they possess certain virtues, no? Is it because they were generous of heart, good-natured, truthful, in a word, it was because they were "good" that God has chosen? No, because our Lord said, "Well there is only one, which is God" (Mat.19: 17). Is it because of some good work they had done? No, it is written, "There is none that doeth good, no not one" (Rom. 3:12). Is it because they were eager and zealous to know God? No, because again it says "No one seeks God" (ROM.3: 11). Was it because God foresaw that they would believe? No, because how can they believe in Christ those who are dead in trespasses and sins? How could God know beforehand that some would believe, if they were impossible to believe? The Scripture says that faith comes "by grace" (Acts 18:27). Faith is the gift of God, and without that gift no one can believe. The cause of choice, then, is God himself, not the objects of His choice. He chose those who chose, simply because they decided to choose them. "[1]

Those who are condemned, are because of their own sins, and God in condemning them, it is only fair. Those who are saved, however, is because "it seemed good" in God's eyes.

Thomas A. Kempis wrote in his famous book "The Imitation of Christ": "I met my beloved in advance, before the world. I chose them from the world, was not they who first chose me. I called them by grace, draw them for mercy, guide them safely through various temptations. May fill them glorious consolations. I gave them perseverance, patience clothe them. I consider both the first and last; embrace everyone with love invaluable. I must be praised in all my saints. I must be blessed above all things, and honored in every one of those for this exalted and predestined so gloriously without merit or which they have previously. "[2].

God has, of course, good and perfect reasons to choose and save those who elected them. But these reasons are not in man but Him alone in their sovereign will and grace. As Christ said, "I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for hiding these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Yes, Father, for such was your gracious will "(Mat.11: 25.26). "Fear not, little flock, for your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom" (Lk.12: 32). Just because it pleases God that we will receive the kingdom.

Every time in prayer asking God to convert sinners, recognize their sovereignty in their salvation. If salvation depended on the will of man, not God alone, would be more appropriate to pray for men to be saved instead of asking it to God. We recognize however that we must proclaim the Gospel and to appeal to men, because that's the way to reach the glorious end that is important, their salvation.

Another doctrine that predestination is the mean of providence.Already considered in the second chapter of this thesis, as proof of God's decrees, and we said there, with respect to the decrees of God in general, applies in particular to predestination.

It is the providence of God that determines all the circumstances and the course of our lives. What is casual for us, for God is not. As often happens that one tiny fact completely changes the rest of our lives! As Dr. Egbert W. Smith in his excellent book The Creed of Presbyterians:

"The control of the greater things should include the control of minors, not only because great things are made up of small, but because history shows how trivial things are continually as the principal agents of important facts. The persistence of a spider man stimulated a discouraged new efforts that shaped the future of a nation. The God who predestined the course of the history of Scotland, must have planned and presided over the movements of the tiny insect, which saved the desperation of Robert Bruce. God is not an absent deity, located outside the universe, only to look at the events which stand as ridges of hills above the plain common.He is "present everywhere", "supporting, directing, arranging and governs all creatures, all actions, and all things, from the largest to the smallest." The affairs of the universe is controlled and managed, how? "According to His purpose who works all in accordance with the counsel of His will." Their purpose or "decrees", which cover everything, says the Catechism, "He performs the works of creation and providence." I mean, Providence is a way of God executes his decrees. In other words, is simply the fulfillment of His universal and certain predetermined purposes. "[3].

It is the providence of God that determines where, when and how each one of us is born, lives and dies. His providence is to decide whether a man is born in a pagan country, or Christian, what will be your environment and what opportunities they will enjoy. And whether or not to have the opportunity to hear the Gospel. These providential circumstances, that God creates in the lives of men, decide the eternal future of millions of members of the human race.If we believe that there is only salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, and millions of pagans have never had a chance to hear of Christ, the only conclusion we can draw is the fact that God did not choose these Gentiles to salvation if it were not so, the providence of God they would have offered an opportunity to hear his message. This is exactly what Christ said in reference to the cities of Tyre, Sidon and Sodom, that is, "if the miracles" made in Chorazin and Bethsaida, "had been done in Tyre and Sidon, there is much they would have repented in sackcloth and gray, "and" the miracles "operated in Capernaum," had been done in Sodom, it would have remained until this day "(Mat.11 :21-23). For those pagan cities did not repent? There is only one answer, namely, why was not God in his providence has given them an opportunity to hear about Christ and witness his miracles. And for that providential way he decided their fate.

"Arminians admit an election sovereign nations, in its entirety for the enjoyment of religious privileges, or to reject them. But it is indisputable that, in fixing the external condition of the same, virtually the religious destiny is fixed forever. That opportunity has practically to get to heaven God made man he was born, lived and died in Tahiti in the sixteenth century? Launching his luck there virtually has not set his destiny for eternity? In short, taking into account God's way of thinking, the election of a set of sovereign nations for the enjoyment of privileges mean, as necessary, the decision, intelligent and intentional, the aims of individuals, almost fixed in this way It is not the infinite mind of God? Are not perfect their perceptions? Does he, like any poor mortal, "shoots at random in a flock of birds, without targeting any of them individually"? As for babies, Arminians believe that all those who die at that age, are redeemed. When, therefore, the providence of God decides that a human being dies as a child, inevitably sets his redemption, and in this case at least, this decision may not have been guided by the foresight of faith, repentance and good works, because this little soul has none, even after his redemption. "[4].

We have to choose between chance and providence as an explanation of the different portions that fit men in this world.Christians do not believe in coincidence, but in the providence of God. Hence, if in his providence God does not offer all members of the human race the same opportunity to hear the Gospel, of course is that he has not chosen all men to salvation. And do not say that God did not provide an opportunity for them to hear the message because He foresaw that they would not accept. In fact, Christ said exactly the opposite in reference to Tyre, Sidon and Sodom, as we have seen.

It opens as soon as the doctrine of God's providence involves predestination.

Author: Samuel Hawk

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