Our enemy uses two kinds of lies: One is when we discovered that we were wrong. This type is not of much interest to him, because he knows that nobody likes to be deceived. When one realizes that he's living wrong will do everything to get away, and so escape their clutches. He is interested in the second type, which is what the person is being cheated and do not realize, because you think the lie is the truth.
And when that happens, the person begins to defend lies and think this is true. In other words, is now working for the enemy against himself. This is nothing new, because those who killed him did so to defend the name of Jehovah God, because they believed it was misleading people by saying that he was the son of God. "The Jews answered him:" We have a law, and in accordance with the law, he must die, because himself became the Son of God. "John 19: 5-7 AL also Jesus Christ himself said he would the time it would do with his faithful servants who have done the same with him!
"I told you these things that ye be not offended. Will get you out of the synagogues: yea, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think to provide a service to God. "John 16:1,2 AL Considering that the world was given to the devil to resolve the issues between them: "And the devil said to him: Give unto you to you all this power and the glory, because to me it was delivered, and give it to whom I want. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine." Lk : 4:5-7) AL So he was as a tenant of Jehovah God, who is the creator of the earth, and therefore its owner. And as a tenant he has certain rights that the owner can not stop before the law.
As we know that God is the law abiding, and he wanted his organization on earth that would be the equivalent of you move in your house that is rented to the tenant within. It will only be able to come to terms with it otherwise would be violating the law. Also Jehovah, who is a law abiding, would come to terms with his "tenant." In the illustration your tenant is not your enemy, but of God is therefore not going to make things easier for him. One way would put him in the middle of your organization, well camouflaged of course, that would serve as a stumbling block. So those who try to defend God, would be against his faithful servants.
Note the words of the Apostle Paul: "And no wonder, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, that his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness whose end shall be according to their works. "2Cor.11 :12-15 LA Also: "You endure chastening (God is treating you as sons); for what son is he whom the father does not discipline? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then illegitimate children and not sons. " Heb.12: 7.8 were in Jehovah's organization, as his children, but were actually children of the devil. Also this is nothing new, because he did so in the case of Job he could not know it was Satan that was causing all this suffering to him.
We must not forget the words of Jesus who said that the devil is the father of lies! Remember that our struggle is against him. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but rather, against the rulers of darkness of this (world) Eph. 6:12 AL He managed to derail that angels are far superior to humans, and not a few. If we understand its pitfalls, we will not have many chances to win it, and it is also a draw. Or win or be defeated! If we can not understand this reasoning is it not a proof that he has also blinded us too?
This is just one of 10 different ways he uses human beings! Also, remember the words of the Apostle Paul when he refused to believe the words spoken by him: "Behold, O (mockers), and astonished and perish, because it operates (Jehovah God) a work in your days, you will not believe it Work if one declare it unto you. "(even in details) Atos.13: AL 41 Not for nothing is he called the" father of lies "John 8:44 AL Be very careful with it.
Author: José Paulo Rodrigues
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