

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

The rich man and Lazarus

In the sixteenth chapter of the Gospel of Luke we find the Lord Jesus Christ, ending a series of six parables - short stories that teach spiritual truths. The last story he told is similar to the parables, but a main point of distinction alerts us to the fact that there is a parable. In the parables, no name is mentioned, but in this story, there is a beggar named Lazarus. It is quite conceivable that this poor man was someone who met the Lord during His wanderings and whose life and death He used an illustration to the people.Beginning with verse 19 of chapter 16, we have:
"There was a rich man, dressed in purple and fine linen, and lived every day indulgence and splendidly. There was a certain beggar named Lazarus, full of wounds that lay at his gate, desiring to be fed and with the crumbs that fell from the table of the rich, and the dogs came and licked his sores. It happened that the beggar died, and was carried by angels into Abraham's bosom, and the rich man also died and was buried. And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of the water your finger and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame. He said, however, Abraham, Son, remember that you received your good things in your life, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted and thou art tormented. And In addition, there is a great gulf between us and you, so that those who would pass from hence to you can not, nor can those from there pass here. And he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that send him to my father's house, for I have five brothers, so that they may bear witness, lest they also come into this place of torment. Abraham said to him: They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them. And he said No, father Abraham: but if it was someone from the dead to them, they would repent. But Abraham said, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. "
This is a very interesting comment made by the lips of the Lord and contains many things that we should consider carefully. I suppose the first thing we should note is that the earthly lives of two men are being compared. On the one hand, we are introduced to a rich man, a person not named, but it certainly is representative of the rich and influential men of those times. He may have been a member of royalty, as the text says that was clothed in purple, a color that is traditionally and historically associated with royalty. His robes and other garments were of fine linen, a fabric very expensive and used only by important people. His lifestyle included everything a worldly man could want - parties, banquets and entertainment places in sophisticated - all day.
The mansion where he lived the rich man had a high wall that offered protection against unwanted visitors - and street access was through an ornate iron gate and guarded by security guards. It was this gate that some friends of Lazarus the left, perhaps with the idea that he might get some scraps from the table or receive some coins. Lazarus was a sick man, hungry, unemployed and had little chance of survival - and even less to improve their situation. His body was covered with sores that were possibly due to vitamin deficiency caused by malnutrition. To make matters worse, the dogs were attracted by the smell of that Lazarus had open wounds on his body. These dogs were not pets! They were wild dogs that roamed the streets looking for food.Probably they were trying to lick the blood from open wounds, so that Lazarus was in danger of being eaten up by them. For all we know, he may even be killed and eaten by dogs because it says he died suddenly. Our natural reaction is sadness at this sorry picture, but the sorrow quickly turns to joy when we read that angels carried him to the "bosom of Abraham" - a Hebrew expression for Paradise. Lazarus was one of God's chosen children and, when he left the tribulations of this world, immediately entered the glorious kingdom of the redeemed.
Here it is appropriate to speak briefly about the concept of "Sheol" (Hebrew) or "Hades" (Greek) - the "grave" or abode of the dead. Believed to be located in the center of the Earth and all who died (fair or not) would go there after death.Some conservative theologians concluded that Sheol or Hades, was composed of two compartments - one was "Paradise," the abode of the redeemed, and the other Sheol or Hades itself - their reasoning is based largely on that passage.
Then we see a short statement that the rich man also died and was buried. There is no doubt that he had a magnificent funeral, befitting their social status and financial means.Probably some professional mourners were hired to cry during the funeral and a speaker spoke, praising their worldly achievements. The body was placed in a tomb expensive and well decorated. No expense was spared and the funeral was really magnificent. However, the rich was not a child of God and, after death, found himself in circumstances totally different from those of Lazarus! Being in torments in the flames, looked up and saw Abraham afar off and Lazarus - in Paradise. I find it very interesting that the rich man knew Lazarus - he recognized and referenced by name! We can speculate about the interaction they had in life, but I think it's safe to say that the rich did not care or helped Lazarus, as he should have done. These two men were brothers in the Jewish faith - was one of them was rich, one poor - and the Law of Moses commanded the rich help the poor in their needs. Obviously, the rich completely failed in this responsibility (and one can imagine how many others).During his life he has lived in the shade and fresh water, but now the situation was totally different, he no longer had their credit cards to buy whatever he wanted, or had more employees to serve you. The flames of the fire burned and he wanted to find a bit of wine, champagne and imported bottled water that he always had in the fridge to cool off, but could not find it. "Where are my gold coins and silver? Maybe I can bribe someone to let me out of here - everyone loves money, right?"
But the flames are relentless. In desperation, he cries out to Abraham which is the distance. "Have mercy upon me, and send Lazarus to dip the water at your finger tip and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame.".
At this point, I must make an observation: Those words we find in Luke's gospel was spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ and He says that Hades (hell) is a place of torment for those who will spend eternity there! The world's most famous evangelist recently stated he does not know exactly if there are flames and, therefore, does not preach about it. His concept of hell is just separation from God. Does he not read? Check out any translation or version of the Bible and see what they want to speak clearly in this passage of flame.If he is wrong about hell at this point, what else may be moving away from key doctrines of the Christian faith?
Abraham, then, is forced to give bad news to the rich man, "Son, remember that you had many possessions in your life, but Lazarus was not evil: but now he is comforted here, and you, in torment . And above all, there is a great gulf between us and Lazarus can not get to you, or you can come to us. "When the words of Abraham are the rich man to recognize the reality of his situation, he first thinks of others and says, "Then send Lazarus to my five brothers, I do not want to come to this place of torment!" However, even this selfless request can not be satisfied, for Abraham says that the brothers have the books of Moses and the prophets - the Old Testament Scriptures - that warn. But the rich man replies, "No, father Abraham: but if it was someone from the dead to them, they would repent." But Abraham tells the hard truth: "If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.."
Logically, we know that this actually happened, maybe some time before telling the story of Jesus. That cross at Calvary, the Son of God and Son of Man died for your sins and mine, we do not have to spend our eternity in hell. After three days in the tomb, Jesus Christ was resurrected, and appeared to over five hundred different people over a period of forty days!However, even the return of Jesus Christ from the tomb did not convince most of the Jewish people, and virtually none of the Pharisees and Sadducees. So, do not think people today have a more difficult to believe because belief is a matter of faith, not sight. The people in Jesus' day could actually see His miracles and still did not believe. I do not understand this aspect of human nature, but it is true. People can see a supernatural miracle and not believe, even if someone back from the dead.
As a further illustration of this phenomenon, I call your attention to Chapter 11 of the Gospel According to John this chapter, we find another Lazarus' resurrection from the dead!This Lazarus, along with his sisters, Martha and Mary, were personal friends of the Lord. When Lazarus died, the Lord brought back to life in a way calculated to prove, beyond doubt, it was a supernatural resurrection. Lazarus had been dead for four days and the Lord intentionally waited this long.According to some commentators, he waited this long because of a superstition that the Jews had, saying that the spirit hovered over the body for two or three days after death.After four days, until the spirit of that hope disappeared again. Therefore, when the Lord called Lazarus out of the tomb, his body had already entered into the decomposition process and began to smell. However, when the Lord called "Lazarus, come forth!" Lazarus came walking out of the grave, wrapped around, like a mummy! The Jewish method of burial included the bandage around the body with strips of a cotton sheet and embalmers use of spices. Was the wealthier the individual, more spices were used. The golden rule was "no flesh should touch another's flesh," so that each finger, each arm and each leg were bandaged individually.The body was then wrapped up the neck and face and head were covered with a special scarf. This dressing was so great that Lazarus certainly needed help to get rid of everything!
Shortly after this wonderful event - that led many Jews to believe in Jesus, we see the 12th chapter of John that the Lord attended a dinner given by Mary, Martha and Lazarus.Verse 9 says that many people came uninvited and did not want to see the Lord, but wanted to see Lazarus, who raised him! Human nature is not interesting? Instead of honoring their Messiah, who had performed the miracle, they were merely curious about the man who raised him! Then, in verses 10 and 11, we find actions that validate the claim made Abraham to the rich man that even if someone came back from the dead, some still would not believe:
"And the chief priests took the decision to kill Lazarus also, because many of the Jews, because of him, came and believed in Jesus."
Verse 53 of Chapter 11 reveals that they were already planning how to kill Jesus. Those wicked men knew that the resurrection was supernatural and that only God could do something like that, but their hearts were so hardened that it completely disregarded the testimony of the Scriptures about the Messiah and did not accept. With the old adage goes: "The blind as he who does not want to see."
And you? It is a child of God, or to admit an unborn child in his family? Refusing to believe in Jesus Christ and repent of their sins (not only to be saddened by the sins committed, but be willing to make a corresponding change of direction in his life, towards what is right) according to the Bible you will make the company rich man for all eternity! I advise you to examine the facts described in the Bible, the Word of God, then pray and ask forgiveness and salvation is in Christ Jesus.

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  • Bom dia, Boa tarde, Boa noite!   Querido irmãos e amigos, graça e paz da parte de nosso Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo. Falaremos hoje dos Pensamento bons e sábios do homem. Sl 119 v.59 - "Considerei os meus caminhos, e voltei os meus passos para os teus estatutos." Esta consideração sensata, de alguém que ouviu ou ouve o conselho do Pai. O sábio Salomão nos deixou em Prov. 21 v.5 - "Os pensamentos do diligente (cuidadoso, ativo) tendem á abundância, tão certamente quanto a pressa leva à pobreza." Jesus instruindo os seus discípulos em Mt 10 v.16b diz: "Portanto sede prudentes como as serpentes e simples como as pombas".Estavam estes sendo preparados pelo mestre Jesus para enfrentarem os interpérios da vida que envolvia o chamado para o serviço do reino. A prudência e a simplicidade deve fazer parte do convívio do homem sábio e bom. Continua o sábio Salomão em Prov. 9 v.5 - "O que ajunta no verão é filho sábio, mas o que dorme na sega é filho que envergonha"; [...]

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  • Os 9 Dons Espirituais

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  • Estudo Bíblico O Significado Bíblico de Misericórdia Quero, e Não Sacrifício

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      Sim, as finanças podem destruir um relacionamento, seja por causa de dívidas, excesso de gastos, falta de dinheiro ou omissões. Casais com dívidas passam menos tempo juntos, brigam mais e são menos felizes, constatou o pesquisador Jefrey Dew. As brigas por causa de dinheiro sempre acabam afetando outros assuntos do relacionamento. Além disso, causam problemas de saúde, como insônia, dores de cabeça, estômago, ataques cardíacos e depressão. Ao meu ver, a primeira coisa que um casal precisa entender é que quando duas pessoas se unem em matrimônio elas se tornam "uma só carne", uma só pessoa, e isso também vale para a vida financeira. As contas deixam de ser suas ou minhas, e passam a ser nossas. O dinheiro deixa de ser seu ou meu, e se torna nosso. Agora, os dois trabalham juntos para o sustendo do lar e lazer em família.  Pra mim, a primeira coisa a se fazer é criar uma conta conjunta, pois isso acaba forçando o casal a [...]

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  • O Livro Selado Com Sete Selos

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  • Os Sinais e Maravilhas da Mentira

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    19/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • As Pragas e Seu Significado

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    19/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Quanto vale a sua religião?

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    12/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Vídeo: confira a entrevista do Pr. Silas Malafaia no ‘De Frente com Gabi’

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    06/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Oficial Sênior do governo Obama declara: "Nós vamos matar o dólar"

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    30/Jan/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Samuel Tinha Direito de Oferecer Sacrifícios a Deus?

    Em 1 Samuel 13, o rei Saul foi condenado por fazer holocausto e ofertas pacíficas. Saul era benjamita, e os únicos sacerdotes autorizados pela lei eram levitas. Samuel repreendeu o rei duramente por ter assumido uma função que não pertencia a ele (1 Samuel 13:8-14). Mas quem autorizou Samuel a oferecer sacrifícios? Ele mesmo disse que faria o sacrifício em Gilgal (1 Samuel 10:8). A dificuldade se encontra em 1 Samuel 1:1, onde o pai de Samuel é descrito como efraimita. Dá a impressão que Samuel cometeu o mesmo erro pelo qual ele criticou Saul. Para entender o que Samuel fez, temos que considerar algumas outras passagens. Os levitas foram espalhados entre o povo, morando em várias cidades entre as outras tribos. Com o passar do tempo, se identificavam pelas regiões onde moravam. Segundo este costume, um levita falou que era da região montanhosa de Efraim (Juízes 19:1,18). Da mesma forma, Elcana, o pai de Samuel, foi descrito como efraimita (1 Samuel 1:1). Outras citações [...]

    30/Jan/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Criando Filhos Que o Mundo Odiará

    Quando eu era garoto, meu pai me perguntava: “O que você quer ser quando crescer?” E eu respondia com franqueza (adoravelmente, sem dúvidas), “um papai”. Quando meu implacável e realista pai me informou que ninguém me pagaria para ser pai, eu lhe disse que ficaria feliz se pagassem a mim. Em 2011, meu sonho de me tornar pai tornou-se realidade quando meu filho, Oscar, nasceu. Desde este dia, minhas esperanças e sonhos se voltaram para o que o Oscar será quando crescer. É claro que eu gosto de imaginar ele crescendo bonito, talentoso, piedoso e amável, mas não tem como saber isso ainda. É quase certo que ele terá uma grande afinidade pela Texas A&M (Universidade de pesquisa co-educational pública localizada em College Station, Texas) e pelo Green Bay Packers (time de futebol americano com base em Green Bay, Wisconsin). Sem dúvida, ele terá uma cabeleira decepcionante, gostará de comer e suará mesmo quando estiver frio. Para a maioria das coisas, no entanto, vou ter que [...]

    30/Jan/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais