

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

Bullies of Miracles

"I, I am the LORD, and beside me there is no savior. 12 I have declared, and I saved and I did hear, and there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD: I I am God. 13 Even before the day was, I am, and there is none that can deliver out of my hands, I will work, who can hinder it? " Isaiah 43:11 to 13
INTRODUCTIONThis message will cause a miracle in your life. But first I want to invite you to open your hearts to be impacted and filled with an anointing that comes from above.
This message has changed my life because as a preacher of the Word of God, I am often placed in situations of struggle, adversity, so I can preach the message, because a prophet is to live what he preaches. And after I preached this message to many people's lives changed for the day taught in the church saw people weeping by the power of the word, because who does not want a miracle in your life? Do you?
So let these words fall into your heart and so will germinate giving a strong and resounding tree, so that its fruits fill your home and those around you.
WHO WAS THE PROPHET ISAIAH?The prophet Isaiah, would have lived between 740 BC and 681 BC during the reigns of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz and Hezekiah, being contemporaneous with the destruction of Samaria by Assyria to the resistance of the siege of Jerusalem Senequeribe troops who besieged the city with an army 185 thousand Assyrians in 701 BC.
Isaiah, whose name means Yahweh saves or Yahweh is salvalção exercised his ministry in the kingdom of Judah, having married a wife known as the prophetess who was the mother of two children: Jashub, and Sear-Maher-Salal-Has-Baz.
Chapter 6 reports on the book of Isaiah's call to become a prophet and through a vision of God's throne in the temple, accompanied by seraphim, in which one of these angelic beings would have flown to him bringing coals from the altar to purify your lips to cleanse you of your sin. So after this, Isaiah hears the voice of God determining the people that took their message.
Focusing on Jerusalem, the prophecy of Isaiah in the first half, and transmits messages of punishment court for the sins of Israel, Judah and surrounding nations, dealing with some events that occurred during the reign of Hezekiah, which is verified by the endChapter 39.
The other half of the book (the end of chapter 40) contains words of forgiveness, comfort and hope. That is, the first half is the old covenant, or the Old Testament and then the second half of the book is the New Alicança, the New Testament.
It can be argued that Isaiah is the prophet who speaks most of the coming of the Messiah, describing it as both a suffering servant who would die for the sins of humanity and as a sovereign prince who will rule with justice. Therefore, one of the most remarkable chapters of the book would be number 53, which mentions the martyrdom that awaited the Messiah:
According to Jewish tradition, Isaiah was killed sawed in half at the time of King Manasseh. This is a short report on that which we call the major prophet, not that he was larger than the other prophets of the Bible, but the volume of prophecies given by him.
In the above text chosen as base text for this message, Hashem tells us that if he want to do something, who can stop him? Nobody!For even before ouvesse day and night he was God. So I want to tell you that something will happen in your life after you read this.
WHAT IS A MIRACLESo you can better assimilate this prophetic message for your life, it is necessary to first know what is a miracle, a miracle because much talk, but do not even know such a word to define. Maybe that's why God said to Moses: "my people of lack of wisdom." Then see.
The word miracle is widely used in churches today, and it is true that this is something we all desire. Even the atheist wants to receive a miracle, then they will say of us, faithful Christians.
Miracle:Act out of the ordinary;Action inexplicable;Extraordinary act;Act on natural.
The miracle is not explained, because you can not do. The miracle is always positive, and its effects gladden the soul. A miracle always arrives on time that most need it. It is also my duty to say that the miracle does not keep a person in the presence of Gd, but the Hebrew people from Egypt and so would never have muttered wandered in the wilderness, but one thing is certain, MIRACLE IS GOOD TOO!! !
Maybe now you want to be a provocateur of miracles. But I think at the time of the message you are anxious to know how to be a bully of a miracle. So as Jehovah spoke to me, I will talk with you.
It is just 5 steps that will change your life. After you send me an e-mail telling her testimony.
OBEY THE WORD OF GOD Whatever it takesBook of the Prophet Daniel 3: 10-30
In this context we see three young men determined to cause a miracle because they were told that everyone should bow before the statue of Nebuchadnezzar, and that not doing so, it would be thrown into the fiery furnace. But the response of those young people was the most determined and fair. Listen to this:
"O King Nebuchadnezzar, if our God will deliver us from the furnace we do not know, but one thing we are certain we will not bow down to this statue."
Well they could bend, and at that moment to say a prayer to the God of Israel, and certainly would be all right. But those who want to go further cause miracles. The rest of the story you already know.They were thrown into a furnace and they came out unharmed, without even having the smell of smoke on their bodies. So the king decreed that from that moment all but acknowledged the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, as the true God.
Do as these young people. Even if you outrage, yet they want you to play with fire, even if it is in the midst of a furnace, obey the laws of the Almighty. They remembered the first of the Ten Commandments given to Moses.
PLAY IS THE LORD'S FEETBook of II Kings 4:1 at 37
Here we read of a provocative miracles. This woman does not have his name reported in the Bible, but we know the Shunammite woman because she was Shunem. Say the word that this woman was fair, God-fearing, and had a clinical look, because seeing the prophet Elisha, then told her husband that he was a holy man of God. After dealing with the Prophet, she receives a promise that would have a son in his arms.
This woman is a true miracle provocative, because the promise to receive her care led to the miracle of the prophet, then to receive the child she dreamed about, had to insist against sterility, do not know if her husband or, as Elisha says her that within a year she had a son in his arms. But we know that pregnancy is nine months, then it took three months fighting against impossibilities.
At birth the child comes to happiness, but when the boy was seven, he dies, then the lock Shunamite the Prophet's room and goes to Mount Caramel. You have gone to Mount Caramel?
When Gehazi meet, she said everything was fine. She would have lied? Of course not, because her problem was not with Gehazi, but with Eliza. And Elisha came to play it at the feet of the prophet and cries. The rest you know. Elijah goes and resurrects the little prophet Jonah. God has promises life in salt, but can you lead your miracle on this day. Play at the feet of the Lord and stay there, to cry, know that He will collect his tears.
PRAISE THE LORD AT ALL TIMEActs of the Apostles 16:25
About midnight Paul and Silas sang and prayed to the Lord, and then came a great earthquake. That's causing a great miracle.
Many people are now trapped in addiction, in sin, in sickness, suffering and even do not praise God. Imagine that Paul and Silas had been beaten in public and thrown into a dungeon, which was an underground prison with no ventilation and no lighting, and I asked God for this hour they tried to sleep and rest from the beatings. And then God told me that both did not sleep because the pain they were feeling was too great, their bodies were injured.It was then that as servants of God decided to praise the Lord. And due to this action was that there was a huge earthquake that culminated in the delivery of life to Jesus, the jailer and his family.
My beloved brothers. It's time to become bullies of miracles, because all what they have caused to our deeds and our faith will be for honor and glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul and Silas did their part in provoking his miracles and teachings left to us. Rise and provoke our miracles.
MOVE, DO SOMETHING, STAND UP.Gospel of Matthew 09:20 E21
There was a woman who suffered twelve years of bleeding, having spent all he had, but to no avail, and she said, if I only touch Jesus' garment, I shall be healed. Dearly beloved brothers. That woman did not know Jesus. See.
When the woman was about thirteen years, she gets her first period, and as required by law, she went to the camp of the unclean (Leviticus 15) and there would be until they pass the blood flow, but it was different with its flow and never finished worse if she was starving and weakening.
When she enters the camp of the impure, it was about thirteen years and Jesus was nineteen, twelve years have passed, the ministry of the master starts, and there she only hears the news of the miracles He did. One day she learns that the teacher would go through there. Then she goes in the story of Jairus, who like his attitude will spoil the request of Jairus, but miracles Jesus has for everyone. And running the camp, she has to disguise himself so that no one knew her, and weighing about 37 kg, she faces a crowd of 30,000 (thirty thousand) people, to touch Jesus. For in her heart, she said 'cause I need a miracle in my life now. "
So move on, get up, do something, face the crowd but not stand still, Jesus does not want to see you so.
Here we read the story of a more anonymous, watch as the Hebrew word for son's bar, and the Bible reports that he was bar-Timaeus, the son of Timaeus, Bartimaeus was not then as soon as his name, but your reference. How anonymous are reading this message now, and needing a miracle. According to the Bible, the son of Timaeus was a beggar and blind (not sure which is worse) and lived in the port city of Jericho. Now look. Jericho was cursed by God, now a man abandoned by his family, blind, unable to work, living on alms beggar at the door of a cursed place.
Many people in our time are like the son of Timaeus, and need a miracle in their lives miserable, I say, not only in miserable financial issue, but miserable in professional areas, sentimental, emotional, affective, ministerial. Enough to live on alms, let us prove miracles.The son of Timaeus, knowing that Jesus came by and started yelling, "Jesus, Son of David. HAVE mercy on ME! "This shows recognition of the kingship of Jesus and all his power as King of kings and Lord of lords. Then open your mouth and start screaming for Jesus, and do not stop, even if you want to shut up as the son of Timaeus, do not stop to cry out to Jesus, shout louder and louder, and recognize the kingship of Jesus in his power life. Be a true provocateur of miracles wherever he goes.
CONCLUSIONBullies of miracles, is what God called us to be, so start now to make a difference in your church, your family, your community, your workplace, and may Gd bless you rich and powerfully. OF MIRACLES is a bully, now !!!!!!!

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