

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2011

The One Hundred Sheep

Luke 15:1-7
Introduction: The hundredth sheep had strayed, but it was very important to your pastor so he was looking for it. What about the quest of the lost sheep that Jesus is speaking that his parable.
I - the hundredth sheep were straying The good shepherd leads his sheep with great care and attention, so that no straying from the flock and is lost. The pastor of this parable would be a rich shepherd because at that time in Palestine, having 100 sheep would be considered wealthy, yet he went after that lost sheep.
Jesus is here emphasizing the value of every person to Him are all important and he wants to save everyone, because God's will that none should perish. Therefore, know that you matter to God. Jesus wants to save you, although for this he needs to carry you on his shoulders.
Jesus the Good Shepherd, you're lost! Only in Jesus for salvation!Come to Jesus!
II-A hundredth sheep had abandoned the fold We do not know the reasons that leave the sheep fold, but the fact is that she was not with the other and when the pastor noted that one missing, it was soon in pursuit, leaving the other safely in the fold which was usually built in the desert.
We can compare the sheep who have left the fold to the people who left their churches and not follow Christ as their pastor, even remember him. The most interested to see the sheep outside the fold are the wolves, their natural predators, which can be compared to Satan and once people lose coverage offered by the spiritual church, become easy prey to the enemy.
If you're out of the fold, without protection and spiritual covering, now reconciled with Jesus and come to our fold, for the church to a cell! And you'll find support, guidance and safe discipleship! Your decision will bring joy to you for Jesus and for us all!
Conclusion: The hundredth sheep, as well as the ninety-nineties, were valued, loved and cherished by his pastor so he did not accept that any should perish. Maybe you're the "hundredth sheep" that Jesus has been trying to bring back, recover, recover. What prevents you from accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior?
The real Jesus' sheep hear his voice, obey and leave by herding him and thus are stored, protected and saved (John 10:27-29). Let Jesus do it with you! Take care, affection, love and salvation that Jesus offers. Say yes to Jesus!
Author: Article submitted by email 

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