

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

The 5 Costumes of God to the Believer

Of all living creatures, humans are the only one that covers her body with clothes.
Although the most obvious motive to cover up the body would bring protection against natural elements, various anthropological studies show that even people from warmer regions, is covered in some way. But why?
At first the man and his wife were naked and were not ashamed (Gen. 2:25). But the snake was allowed to deceive man. And they fell and were contaminated by the seed of evil and corrupt nature and acquired a bad one. No longer bear being a naked before the other and both to God.
His own sexual desires were contaminated and distorted by the evil seed. Since then, the man suffers a lot for the mistake of Adam.
God saw the need for man to have to get dressed. Himself clothed them, and sacrificing an animal, the fruit of his own, and clothed them with animal skin.
When God clothed Adam and Eve with skins (Gen. 3:21), He provided a very significant symbol. These garments are interpreted as a demonstration of the need for sacrifice.
The verb and its derivatives are also used to refer to abstract qualities. God is clothed with majesty and power (Ps. 93.1).God is challenged to dress up strength (Isaiah 51:9). Preparing for the Judgement, He robe of righteousness, salvation, revenge and jealousy (Isaiah 59.17). People can dress up in various qualities. Justice (Job 29.14). Salvation (2 Chronicles 6:41) and strength (Is 52.1). Dresses Spirit (Judges 6:34, 1 Cr12.19, 2 Chron 24.20).
Negative qualities, such as shame (Ps 35.26, Job 08.22) and curse (Psalm 109.18). Filthy rags (Isaiah 63.6; Zech 3.3), which God withdraws, then he wears one with salvation and righteousness of God (Is 61.10).
It's amazing how even that which was decided by the Eternal, because of our sin, which is the act of wearing clothes and dressing, may, because of His beloved Son to be an honor and beautiful spiritual metaphors.
The nakedness of man and God's provision. The clothes act of mercy from God to man in disobedience and sin.
The Blood Coverage. The covenant love of God demanded that innocent animals were sacrificed so that fur garments be providential as cover for Adam and Eve
They tried in vain to cover themselves through their own efforts to coserem fig leaves. However, the order of God has provided coverage through a sacrifice. Under the new covenant, it requires us to be clothed with Christ, and not our own good works. (Gal 3:27).
Let's see how the garments of Jesus has already pointed to a spiritual connotation
"... To fulfill the Scripture: They divided my garments among them, and upon my vesture they cast lots ..." (Psalm 22:18).
The garments of Jesus were taken to the dressing:
1 - The Robe of Salvation. (Isaiah 61.10). In Rom. 6:23 says: "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God." All of humanity needs the garments of salvation.
Psalm 132.16 - "I will clothe her priests of salvation and her saints shall shout aloud".
God wants us to wear the garments of salvation, it was symbolic of the death of the lamb that God himself killed to put Adam in Genesis. 3.21
"The LORD God made of skins for Adam and his wife, and clothed them" (Gen. 3:21).
Showing that it was necessary for Jesus "the Lamb of God", died on the cross that we might be clothed with salvation.Through it we may obtain forgiveness for our sins and free access to the glory of God.
2. Robes of Purification "And he answered and those that stood before him, saying, Take away the filthy garments from these. And Joshua said, Behold, I have to pass from thee thine iniquity, and I will put rich garments. And I said, put it put a clean turban on his head. And they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with garments and the Angel of the Lord was standing. " Zech. 3.4-5
Sin has always been represented by dirt, dirty clothes, etc..Like the high priest Joshua, and his clothes were dirty, the symbol of sin and the opponent (Satan) was ready to resist him, if the Angel of the Lord did not interfere and changed her clothes to wear clean, white.
This is a garment that can not miss the guard - Christian clothing, for holiness (purity) becometh saints of the Lord
The vestments of purification or sanctification are represented by white or linen
"He who overcomes shall be clothed in white robes. I will not blot his name from the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels" (Rev. 3.5).
Also in Heb. 13. 12
"Therefore Jesus also, to sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered without the gate" (Hebrews 13:12).
In today's world full of corruption, an increase of sin, the wickedness, the love has grown cold and also have the purity and holiness in the churches are forgotten.
Many have already left the pulpit to preach sanctification, saying that God only wants the heart.
Being a Christian has become fashionable in the media and gives status and many artists say they are converted to Christ, but do not see any change or transformation in them (many are still in prostitution, posing nude for pornographic magazines.) Lives are incompatible with the gospel of Christ.
Messages that invite the sinner to come as it is (full of impurities) and to remain as it came, is not the gospel of purification and sanctification preached by Jesus to absolve the adulterous woman tells him: "... Go and sin no more" ( Jo 8. 11c), that is not polluted more, no more mess.
Everyone wants a gospel without change, without change, without sacrifices, without holiness, without commitment, carefree.
But the gospel of Christ is a gospel of impact, change, change of life, desire for holiness and purity, a gospel that invites the sinner to come as is, but not to comply with lifestyle leading to a complete change of attitudes as expressed by Paul in Eph.4. 28:
"Let him that stole steal no more, before work, working with his hands what is good, so you have something to share with the needy" (Eph 4:28).
Without this sanctification can not see the Lord, or come in his presence as Hebrews 12:14
The Psalmist advises: "Exalt the Lord our God and worship at his holy mountain, for the Lord our God is holy." (Ps 99.9)
Paul says to Timothy: "So, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, will be a vessel for honor, sanctified and meet for the Master's use, and prepared unto every good work."
Jesus will come for a Church pure, holy, I can say that to live in eternity with Jesus is necessary to make use of robes and purification.
Ask Jesus today these garments if you do not have to, because he shed his blood to give you clean clothes sanctification, and the angels wore the priest Joshua, He wants to dress you, taking their clothes dirty from sin and giving you a new life.
3. Robes of Anointing "So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brethren, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came upon David." I Sam 16. 13
When I read in the Bible about anointing, my heart beats stronger, because there is a need of being clothed in the anointing to cross the desert of our lives. The anointing was instrumental in David's life, the life of Elijah, Elisha, finally all the heroes of faith.
Psalm 133 expresses clearly that anointing in the Christian life that begins in the head and goes down on the beard and even the hem of the robe of Aaron, a full anointing.
We also need to put the anointing oil with the new Pentecost.The anointing from the Holy Spirit.
"But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and know all things. But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you" (I John 2:20, 27).
Without the anointing of the church stops, does not grow, no fruits or manifestations of God. The anointing is needed to keep the Christian standing before God, to propel him to preach, witness and win souls for God.
Peter became a great blessing only after the anointing of Pentecost, was once fearful, cowardly, precipitate, but after the anointing became a great leader and example of faith.
Jesus always ministered in the anointing and breathed on the disciples the breath of the Spirit so they could continue his ministry in the same anointing.
Tonight God wants to dress up as anointing, because the battles are huge, to beat the enemy is strong, but the anointing of God overcomes the bears, lions and even giants such as David did after that anointing.
The Lord wants a church not only clothed with power and anointing, but also coated, which means dressed again, twice, double portion, and so on. There are many who are giving up the Christian race because they are weak, dejected, defeated, they lack the anointing.
But here you now have the opportunity to put the anointing of God because the Lord has poured out His precious anointing oil on the church (Pentecost), and this spilled oil is still gushing about the Church today, you just want, want and ask him to give you.
4. The Robe of Power. (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:8, 2:1-4). The promise of the baptism in the Holy Spirit is one of the gifts coming from the spiritual experience of salvation. Whoever believes in Jesus Christ and regeneration experiments should seek by faith that promise. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is an endowment of power (Acts 1:8), so that we are effective witnesses of the gospel, and this promise is available to every believer (Acts 2:39).
The baptism in the Holy Spirit is not the new birth. When we accept Christ as Savior are regenerated (Eph. 1.13), receiving the Holy Spirit as a pledge of our inheritance.
The same experiment has been tried before by the apostles of Christ's return to heaven (John 20:22). After they received the new birth, Jesus guides them to stay in the city until they were endued with power (Luke 24:49, Acts 1:5).
After the return of Christ to heaven, praying for the disciples remained in Jerusalem for 10 days. On the day of Pentecost, being all together in one place, filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance (Acts 2:1-4).
This experience of speaking in other languages ​​was announced by Christ (Mark 16:17) and occurred every time the Bible mentions that the Holy Spirit was poured out upon believers (Acts 2:4; 10.42-44; 19:1-6). Therefore, this sign shows that you received the promise of the baptism in the Holy Spirit.
5. The Robe of Protection. (Ephesians 6.11,12). To overcome the Adversary and "stand firm", we need to put on the armor of God (13-17, 1 Thessalonians 5:8):
(1) The belt of truth (14). The soldier's belt was the centerpiece of his armor, holding his clothes near the body and giving way to charge your sword and other necessities of battle. In the life of the disciple, this centerpiece is the truth that comes from God (Jn 17:17). To serve as a protection, the truth must be known, received and applied. This requires careful study, acceptance of good and sincere heart, and courage to apply the word in our lives and make the necessary changes.
(2) The breastplate of righteousness (14). The armor protects the heart, the soldier's chest. The protection of the servant of God cometh not by fleshly means. The injustice of lies, deceit, etc.. does not protect anyone from the real enemy.Righteousness, holiness, moral integrity is the protection of the servant of the Lord.
(3) footwear (sandals) for preparation of the gospel (15). The sandals worn by Roman soldiers at the time of Paul, had nails to give soldiers an advantage against enemies unprepared (with inadequate or even barefoot sandals).
The Lord's servant must be prepared, with sandals on his feet already. If you expect the invasion of the enemy to get dressed, you can not resist. The preparation of the soldier of Christ is the gospel of peace. Interestingly, in the midst of such language of war, Paul reminds us that our mission is reconciliation, as servants of the Prince of Peace (2:14-18).
(4) The shield of faith (16). Roman soldier's shield covering most of his body, and served to repel darts and arrows.
The devil throws his fiery darts, but the Christian defends himself with the shield of faith. When we have beliefs based on God's word, we can withstand the assaults of the enemy (Romans 10:17).
(5) The helmet of salvation (17). The helmet is of utmost importance. Our protection against deadly blows is the salvation brought by Christ (Acts 4:12).
(6) The sword of the Spirit (18). We must understand that our war is only defensive. We go into battle armed to confront and defeat the enemy.
"For though we walk in the flesh, not war after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, nullifying we sophistries and every pretension that sets itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled "(2 Corinthians 10:3-6). Our sword, our only offensive weapon is the word of God.
Thus armed and trusting in the Lord, we must develop the habit of constant prayer (V.18). Note here:
(1) Prayer is communication with God.
(2) Prayers are appeals or petitions asking for help.
(3) Praying "in the Spirit" has two possible interpretations:
(A) praying as we learned of the Holy Spirit, according to the will of God, (b) Praying in the spirit (the capital letter is not in the original, is a matter of interpretation) to earnest prayer of the heart.
(4) Watching with perseverance suggests an attitude of relentless dedication to prayer.
(5) We should pray for the saints, making supplications on behalf of the brothers in Christ.
Defeating Satan in Our Lives There are thousands of years, Satan entered the beautiful garden of God, in the form of a serpent, Adam and Eve and got into his trap. From that day until now, Satan has been the main enemy of man.
Even these days, the devil walks like a roaring lion who wants to devour us (1 Peter 5:8). He uses many methods. Using various disguises, he tries, seduces and deceives (2 Corinthians 11:14-15, 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12, 1 Corinthians 7:5).
He also afflicted, pursues and attacks (2 Corinthians 12:7, Revelation 2:10, 1 Thessalonians 2:18). It uses allies such as principalities and powers, and even the world (Ephesians 2:1-2, 6:11-12, 1 John 5:19). Many of those who face this spiritual battle could readily to echo Paul's exclamation: "O wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from this body of death?"(Romans 7:24).
The victory of Christ over Satan In the very first garden where the man succumbed to the snare of the devil, God promised a deliverer. "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed. He will crush your head, and thou shalt bruise his heel" (Gen. 3:15).
It is very unusual to see a Bible in reference to a descendant of a woman. Often the line was counted through the father.
In all of human history from Adam, there was only one who has not had a human father, Jesus Christ. And so this text speaks of the conflict between Jesus and Satan. Keeping the image of the serpent, the text speaks of Jesus standing in it, so to speak.
Doing this, he would hurt his heel (a relatively small damage), but also crush the head of the tempter (a mortal wound).Throughout the Old Testament, humanity remained bound by Satan, waiting for the glorious fulfillment of this promise.
Finally the Savior was born. He spent a few years "healing all that were oppressed of the devil" (Acts 10:38). Look especially for instances in which Jesus cast out demons (Mark 1:23-28 note, 5:1-20, 9:14-29, Matthew 9:32-37, 12:22, Luke 13:10 - 17). It is remarkable that Jesus subdued the demons with authority.
He did not scream, did not fight, did not use any charm or magic bullet. He just said a word, and the demons left. Jesus called his expulsion of demons to his larger work to crush Satan.
"But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God is come the kingdom of God upon you. Or how can anyone enter the house and plunder his property without first tying him? And then he will plunder the house "(Mt 12:28-29).
Jesus came to earth to steal the souls of the devil who had been under his rule. But first he had to bind Satan, what he was doing when he cast out demons. So the scenario that he would be prepared to take the devil's domain, the domain that this had on men.
On repeated occasions, especially near the end of his ministry, Jesus indicates that the crisis was approaching.
"I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven" (Luke 10:18). "The time has come to be judged this world, and now your prince will be cast out" (John 12:31). "On the court, because the prince of this world is judged" (John 16:11; 14:30).
Countless texts, written after the resurrection of Christ, show him as the winner who defeated Satan. Jesus said: "All authority was given to me in heaven and on earth" (Matt. 28:18).
"Which he wrought in Christ, raising him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in heavenly places, far above all principality, and power and might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this century, but also in the next. And hath put all things under his feet... " (Eph 1:20-22)."...
Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who, after going to heaven at the right hand of God, made subject to Him the angels and powers and powers "(1 Peter 3:21-22). "And having spoiled principalities and powers, publicly exposed them to contempt, triumphing over them by the cross" (1 Jn 3:8).
Revelation presents this great victory of Jesus over the devil in symbolic form (Chapter 12). Our Lord Jesus Christ totally defeated the old enemy of man. Praise God!
Our Liberation Our own victory over Satan is closely linked with the triumph of Christ. "Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he too, also participated, so that through death he might destroy him who has the power of death, namely the devil, and deliver them to through fear of death were subject to slavery all their life "(Hebrews 2:14:15).
Jesus came to destroy the devil and release his subjects.After describing his unsuccessful battle against the law of sin and death in Romans 7, Paul showed that in Christ we are freed from bondage (Romans 7:25, 8:1-4).
Christ is our way to victory in this seemingly hopeless struggle: "In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us" (Romans 8:37). He continued to cite principalities and powers as two forces that can not separate us from the love of God in Christ (Romans 8:38-39).
"And the God of peace will soon crush under your feet to Satan. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you" (Romans 16:20). Gal 4 and Cl 2 also show how Christ liberates us from the dominion of the devil.
This does not mean, of course, that Christ defeated the devil, without effort. We fight against "principalities and powers, against the rulers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places" (Eph 6:12).
But despite the ferocity of the foe, the Lord gives the strength of his power, with which we firmly resist the devil.
He also tells us exactly what armor to use in battle: "Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
Stand firm therefore, gird yourselves with the truth and you wearing the breastplate of righteousness. And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Embraco always the shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the fiery darts of the wicked.
And take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, with all prayer and supplication. . '(Ephesians 6:13-18). Please note that the armor is specified.
Often, these days, people try to catch the spiritual battles against the devil and his servants with other instruments, that the word of God never mentions. This text is Scripture itself which receives the main attention: "the truth", "the gospel", "the word of God."
Misconceptions About Liberation Some people put too much emphasis on the power of Satan.In their worship they give more attention to devils than to Christ himself. Thus, they minimize human responsibility and offer excuses for sin. The devil can not be guilty of sin. He actually tries it, but sin is when we allow ourselves to be seduced by our own desires (James 1:14-15).
We are able to resist the devil, and if we do, he will flee (James 4:7). God will not allow us to be tempted above our strength to resist, to every temptation is there a way to escape is given by the Lord (1 Cor 10:13).
It is a serious mistake to devote more attention to the devil than to God. It is wrong to think that in some cases, we are powerless to resist some kind of higher power that the devil uses. I am responsible for my actions, and when I sin I have no one to blame but myself.
Another view is that wrong magic words or special objects are needed to expel the power of Satan in the life of a person.Witchcraft in the days of the New Testament was based on the repetition of special words to overcome the influence of the devil, but Jesus condemned this idea (Mt 6:7).
The repetition of even the name of Jesus, so superstitious, turned against those who tried (Acts 19:13-16). It is the power of Christ, not the magic phrase or some object that overcomes Satan.
Nor can we overcome the devil through obedience to rules and human laws. This was basically the problem with which Paul wrote in Colossians 2. He spoke of men invent rules to try to be more spiritual, and said they do not work.
Through the centuries, men have tried to repel the devil through asceticism. Fasting, self-flagellation, and the denial of pleasures are often seen as legitimate ways to overcome the devil. But Paul's argument in Colossians 2 is that Christ and his commandments are all we need to overcome "all principality and power" (Colossians 2:10, see 16-23).
Finally, the devil is not overcome by theater. Verbal confrontations with the devil and shouting have no basis in the Bible. Christ and the apostles had special power to command the demons to leave people, but calmly and deliberately ordered.
The Scriptures that Jesus and his disciples teach us to let us enjoy its power in our lives for the submission to him and the use of armor that he gave us. Jesus defeated Satan. In Christ, we too can win.
The Word of God remains one his commandments and teachings have not changed is that we're changing, but it teaches us that our body is the temple of the holy spirit and our body is the temple of God, the abode of the holy spirit this temple, our body must be purged clean of all harlots of contamination of the worldly and carnal sin of sexual desires because Jesus does not dwell in an unclean temple dirty sinful greedy adulterer
The Holy Spirit is holy and we are the Lord's image similarity must be holy as he is he wants us to be like the word of God says so "At all times albs are your garments (garments of purification), and never miss the oil ( robes of the anointing) on ​​your head "(Ecclesiastes 9:8).
May God bless us and keep us in Jesus' name, amen!

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    03/Abr/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • O Livro Selado Com Sete Selos

    À direita de Deus, João viu um livro selado com sete selos escrito por dentro e por fora (Apoc. 5:1). Ninguém podia abrir, nem ler e nem olhar para aquele livro (Apoc. 5:2-4). O único que podia abrir o livro era o Leão da tribo de Judá, que representa Jesus Cristo (Apoc. 5-7).O que será que aquele livro continha que ninguém podia abri-lo?A resposta está em Ezequiel 2:9-10. Ezequiel também teve a visão desse livro e ele nos diz que no livro estavam escritos lamentações, suspiros e ais. Portanto, nesse livro selado com sete selos continha todo plano de Deus para consumar a profecia de Daniel conforme está escrito em Dan. 9:24 e que iria se cumprir integralmente durante o período da tribulação, tribulação esta representada pelos suspiros e ais contidos no livro. Os sete selos representam a plenitude na consumação do plano de Deus nesse período de tribulação. A cada selo que Jesus abre, é mostrado um determinado acontecimento que ocorrerá na Terra. O livro selado com sete selos [...]

    25/Mar/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Os Sinais e Maravilhas da Mentira

    Estou cada vez mais preocupado com o número de pessoas que me escreve para descrever os sonhos, visões, profecias, etc., que "deus" lhes deu. Não questiono a sinceridade dessas pessoas — não tenho dúvidas que são sinceras — mas tenho grandes preocupações com relação à origem sobrenatural das comunicações que recebem! Agora ouçam bem, pessoal — pensem antes de reagir. Por qual autoridade estão essas coisas sendo passadas adiante e como é que elas não violam as recomendações de Deuteronômio 4:2 e Apocalipse 22:18-19 sobre não fazer acréscimos ou remoções da Palavra de Deus? As Escrituras estão completas e foram concluídas há quase dois mil anos e tudo o que Deus quer que saibamos está contido nelas. Assim, quando alguém presume estar fazendo acréscimos às Escrituras, está convidando a confusão espiritual e o caos — algo do qual Deus certamente não é o autor! [1 Coríntios 14:33] Muitos milhares — talvez milhões — de pessoas em todo o mundo estão agora insistindo que o que têm [...]

    19/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • As Pragas e Seu Significado

    Deus enviou as pragas, em resposta a uma pergunta de Faraó: Quem é o Senhor? (Ex 5:2). Deus queria que o povo soubesse que não existia Deus senão o Senhor. Deus queria destronar os deuses pagãos que o Egito possuía, e também, através das pragas libertar o seu povo. O objetivo do Senhor é proclamar o seu nome em toda a terra, porque o que acontecia no Egito (o mundo da época) toda terra ficaria sabendo. Todos teriam que saber que o mundo é do Senhor, toda a terra e a sua plenitude, e todos que nela habitam. Todas as pragas (exceto a dos primogênitos) tinham como objetivo envergonhar os falsos deuses.  A praga das águas tornando-se em sangue (Ex 7:19-25). O rio Nilo para os egípcios era um deus. Tal veneração era tanta que eles diziam que o Egito era a dádiva do Nilo. Achavam que as águas do Nilo eram abençoadoras e purificadoras. Então Deus fez com que as águas se tornassem em sangue para destronar esse deus. A praga das Rãs (Ex 8:1-15). Esta praga estava relacionada à [...]

    19/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Quanto vale a sua religião?

    “Se alguém entre vós cuida ser religioso, e não refreia a sua língua, antes engana o seu coração, e a sua religião é vã. A religião pura e imaculada para com Deus, o Pai, é esta: visitar os órfãos e as viúvas nas suas tribulações, e guardar-se da corrupção do mundo” (Tiago 1;26e27).          É possível que Tiago tivesse em sua mente a maneira religiosa com que os escribas e fariseus viviam, uma vez que o Senhor Jesus muitas vezes Se insurgiu, contra eles, pois eles amavam ser chamados de mestres ou rabis, e quando nas esquinas das praças, punham-se em pé, com as mãos erguidas para o céu, faziam largas orações para serem glorificados pelos homens. Em outras ocasiões visitavam as viúvas, usando os mesmos métodos; porém a sua intenção era de apropriar-se dos bens delas. Quanto valia essa religião? Tiago diz que ela era vã e que Deus a abomina. O mundo nosso está cheio de religiosos desta ou de outra marca. Mas que é religião? Segundo alguém [...]

    12/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Vídeo: confira a entrevista do Pr. Silas Malafaia no ‘De Frente com Gabi’

    Na noite deste domingo (3) foi ao ar o programa ‘De Frente com Gabi’, uma conversa franca e aberta entre a jornalista Marília Gabriela e o pastor Silas Malafaia, líder da igreja Assembleia de Deus Vitória em Cristo. Sempre polêmico, o pastor condenou abertamente o homossexualismo e a tentativa de ridicularizar os pastores em relação a finanças. Ele também negou os dados veiculados pela revista Forbes sobre sua renda e mostrou a declaração de Imposto de Renda provando que seu patrimônio é de R$4 milhões. O debate teve três blocos com assuntos distintos e gerou muitos comentários nas redes sociais. Enquanto o programa era exibido, a hashtag #MalafaiaDeFrenteComGabi liderou os Top Trending do Twitter. Outras duas palavras que também entraram no Top 10 dos assuntos mais comentados do Twitter foram: “Silas Malafaia” e “Marília Gabriela”. Nesta segunda-feira (4) a produção do “De Frente Com Gabi” informou que este programa superou todas as marcas anteriores, sendo o mais [...]

    06/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Oficial Sênior do governo Obama declara: "Nós vamos matar o dólar"

    O Diário Sheeple Kyle Bass, que sabe uma coisa ou duas sobre economia e finanças, recentemente falou com um membro do alto escalão da administração Obama sobre as suas soluções planejadas para consertar a economia dos EUA e déficit comercial. A resposta não deve surpreendê-lo. Quando perguntei a um membro do alto escalão do governo Obama na semana passada, 'Como é que vamos crescer as exportações, se não vamos permitir que a deflação salarial nominal? Ele diz, 'nós apenas estamos indo para matar o dólar. " Isso me preocupou. Então, que a única resposta. É uma resposta mortos. Mas, isso é para onde estamos indo. FONTE:

    30/Jan/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Samuel Tinha Direito de Oferecer Sacrifícios a Deus?

    Em 1 Samuel 13, o rei Saul foi condenado por fazer holocausto e ofertas pacíficas. Saul era benjamita, e os únicos sacerdotes autorizados pela lei eram levitas. Samuel repreendeu o rei duramente por ter assumido uma função que não pertencia a ele (1 Samuel 13:8-14). Mas quem autorizou Samuel a oferecer sacrifícios? Ele mesmo disse que faria o sacrifício em Gilgal (1 Samuel 10:8). A dificuldade se encontra em 1 Samuel 1:1, onde o pai de Samuel é descrito como efraimita. Dá a impressão que Samuel cometeu o mesmo erro pelo qual ele criticou Saul. Para entender o que Samuel fez, temos que considerar algumas outras passagens. Os levitas foram espalhados entre o povo, morando em várias cidades entre as outras tribos. Com o passar do tempo, se identificavam pelas regiões onde moravam. Segundo este costume, um levita falou que era da região montanhosa de Efraim (Juízes 19:1,18). Da mesma forma, Elcana, o pai de Samuel, foi descrito como efraimita (1 Samuel 1:1). Outras citações [...]

    30/Jan/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Criando Filhos Que o Mundo Odiará

    Quando eu era garoto, meu pai me perguntava: “O que você quer ser quando crescer?” E eu respondia com franqueza (adoravelmente, sem dúvidas), “um papai”. Quando meu implacável e realista pai me informou que ninguém me pagaria para ser pai, eu lhe disse que ficaria feliz se pagassem a mim. Em 2011, meu sonho de me tornar pai tornou-se realidade quando meu filho, Oscar, nasceu. Desde este dia, minhas esperanças e sonhos se voltaram para o que o Oscar será quando crescer. É claro que eu gosto de imaginar ele crescendo bonito, talentoso, piedoso e amável, mas não tem como saber isso ainda. É quase certo que ele terá uma grande afinidade pela Texas A&M (Universidade de pesquisa co-educational pública localizada em College Station, Texas) e pelo Green Bay Packers (time de futebol americano com base em Green Bay, Wisconsin). Sem dúvida, ele terá uma cabeleira decepcionante, gostará de comer e suará mesmo quando estiver frio. Para a maioria das coisas, no entanto, vou ter que [...]

    30/Jan/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais