

segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Finance in the Bible

The economy of any people is an important element of their culture.
We find, in the Holy Scriptures, numerous references to financial transactions. Understand them, as far as possible, then, in addition to satisfying our curiosity, to be useful for the correct interpretation of many biblical passages, enabling the learning of important principles for monetary management.This is not an exhaustive study of the subject, but only a summary.
Before we get into the biblical content itself, I'll highlight some important points in the history of money.
The money came about because of trade and this is their purpose. The first consisted of simple business transactions of goods exchange (barter). For example, someone brought a horse to the market and traded for two sheep. Occasionally, this type of operation encountered difficulties. If there was only one sheep, the owner of the horse just would not consider trading and the animal could not split in half. Thus, there were intermediate goods to complement the value or full replacement. All other products would be priced in relation to certain of these amounts. Rock salt were used this way. Then came the word salary. After the cattle had the same function.Later, pieces of gold and silver became money supply, measured and evaluated according to the weight.
In the seventh century BC came the first coins minted. There is controversy over their place of origin: China, India and Lydia (Turkey). The coins bore the expression on his face value in gold or silver they represent.
In the year 89 AD, the Chinese Tsoi-Lun invented paper money, but its use in commerce only began in the year 812 AD, by operation of law. So, if someone had to sell his horse at the fair, came home (gasp) only with a piece of paper. We are so accustomed to this, we observe that not much is this strange exchange. However, the government guarantee that the same paper would be accepted to obtain another commodity. The people were compelled to believe. Thus was born the credit. Then it became quite natural and circulate ballots without difficulty. So the money that was once tangible goods, gold, silver, has been simplified and shortened.
Today, much of our money is just a number stored on the computers of banks. It is the invisible money. When it's payday, we know that we receive, but we see nothing. In many commercial transactions, the seller does not receive anything in your hands. The invisible money is transferred into your account via a plastic card. If you had to believe the paper ballots, that kind of faith has become a regular feature of financial transactions. Deposit money in banks because we believe in them. The current money, and invisible, is often non-existent fantasy only. This happens in part with transactions in stock exchanges. Sometimes, the stock price rises only by a matter of investor optimism. Then the numbers go up artificially. If the production of goods and services is not enough to cover them, it is money that actually does not exist.For this reason, stocks fall, break and cause huge losses for those who bought the fake money and paid with the real.
The invisible money, moved by credit card, facilitates uncontrolled. When the ballots are in hand, it is easier to check the possibilities and the financial limits. When you do not see the money, it takes more.
FINANCIAL OPERATIONS IN BIBLE TIMES The historical moments mentioned in the introduction allows us to situate the biblical accounts in relation to trends in trade and finance:
The first reference to money in the Bible is the story of Abraham (Gn.17.12), which was also identified as the first character rich (Gn.13.2). Knowing that the patriarch lived around 2000 BC, we conclude without difficulty that the money consisted of gold and silver objects, which had in abundance.The payment occurred by the weight of a certain amount of metal provided by the buyer (Gn.23.16). This kind is therefore the money mentioned in the Bible from the time of the patriarchs, through Joseph of Egypt, Moses, the Judges, Kings, until the Babylonian exile. The appearance of the coins minted, similar to those we use today, is this the next time in captivity. In the Bible we find the same service during the Empire following the Persian (539 BC - 331 BC). The coins of King Darius drams were called and are mentioned in Ezra 2.69. (For context, please note that if the books were the Bible in chronological order, along with Malachi Ezra was at the end of the Old Testament). Thereafter, until the Apocalypse, the money involved gold, silver and coins. These could also be made of copper, iron or mixture of metals. Sometimes they were made of some cheap metal and gold-plated.
Although Revelation was written shortly after the invention of paper money, this was never mentioned, as was not yet in circulation.
When we think of civilization in biblical times, we can imagine that has been long overdue, but this does not apply to all its aspects. On finance, the Bible mentions very similar to current practices. The big difference is that we use advanced technology, but the concepts are the same. We find in Scripture corresponding to words or ideas: money (Gn.17.12), coins (Mt.22.19), tithe (Lv.27.30), supply (Ex.20.24), rent (Ex.22.15), income (Pv.16.8) , salary (Gn.29.15), profit (Pv.22.16; Ez.22.14), compensation (Ex.21.19; 22:14) loan (Ex.22.25; Sal.37.21; Lc.6.35; Sal.112.5), debt (Proverbs.22.7), guarantee, pledge (Ex.22.26), payment (Dt.24.15), default (Sl.37.21), interest (Ex.22.25) bail (Pv.6.1; 11.15), tax (Cr.24.9 II) , rate (Rs.23.35 II), bribery (Sl.15.5; Mq.3.11), bank (Lc.19.23), bankers (Mt.25.27), financial corruption in government (At.24.26), poverty (Gn.45.11) and wealth (Gn.31.1).
Example of very difficult financial situation can be found in Nehemiah 5:3-4, when the poor had to borrow to pay taxes. In this episode, interest rates were 1% (Nee.5.11), but do not know the frequency.
ADMINISTRATION OF JOSEPH IN EGYPT Having been elevated to the office of governor, Joseph instituted the 20% tax on agricultural production in that country (Gn.41.34). The payment was made into a commodity in which to make reservation for the lean years. Here we have, therefore, the idea of ​​savings (compulsory and administered by the government). The economic plan of Joseph should not have been well received by the population. After all, the Egyptians lived so well so far and were not concerned about hunger. Perhaps not know she was coming, and if they knew, would believe why?
The wisdom of Joseph teaches us: Do not spend it all. Save a part. When the famine came, Joseph sold the grain to the Egyptians and other nations (Gn.41.56). Thus, all the money (gold and silver) that existed in Egypt as well as livestock and the land itself (Gn.47.15-26) became the property of Pharaoh.How to continue living in the same places that now belonged to the government, the people began to pay land tax, ie 20% of agricultural production after the famine.
We note that if 20% of what was produced in the first seven years was enough to sustain all the people and their neighbors during the next seven years, the consumption of 80% in time of plenty was something far above the real need.What then of former times when the consumption was 100%?It is likely that the picture was overkill and waste.
THE LAW OF MOSES When the Lord instituted the law to Israel, many financial transactions have usually occurred among the people. The commandments come to some regulatory procedures, mainly to protect the poor against the abuses of the rich. Remember that the people out of Egypt, taking large amounts of gold and silver. So many of those former slaves became rich overnight, literally. For this, two collections were made possible with religious purpose. The first was to do, unduly, the golden calf.The second, ordered by God to build the tabernacle.
The law of Moses brought advanced measures for the time, condemning usury and prohibiting the charging of interest on the loan between Jews (Ex.22.25). Moses also instituted tax (IICr.24.6) and maintenance of the priests and Levites through tithes and offerings (Num.18.21). These were presented, usually in the form of products. In the desert, the animals were the most common offering. Then, in Canaan, agricultural products were also offered frequently, especially the first fruits of the earth, called firstfruits (Êx.23.19). However, Moses allowed the recovery of products, ie, the Israelites could deliver its corresponding value in money (gold and silver), if so desired, leaving the goods. In this case, however, should add 20% of the original value (Lv.27.13-31).
The most surprising of the law, the financial aspect, was the cancellation of debts for the Jubilee (Lv.25.10).
AFTER MOSES So Israel took possession of the promised land, the nation's economy has become very active. However, its resources were constantly stolen by the enemy, but this only happened because of the disobedience of the Israelites to the Lord. This was the situation more constant at the time of the judges.Then, at the time of kings, has enriched the nation. This can be said, more properly, from the government of Solomon, when Israel became a power in its region. At that time, a lot of money, ie gold and silver were used to build the Jewish temple. Then came the division of the kingdom and the exile in Assyria and Babylon. At that time, the financial resources of God's people were again in the hands of enemies, including the treasures of the temple.
GREEK AND ROMAN MONEY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT The Babylonians were defeated by the Medes and Persians (539 BC). At that time, King Cyrus of Persia allowed the Jews' return to Canaan. Decades later, finished the Old Testament period (450 BC). Then came the Greek Empire (331 BC), succeeded by Roman (63 BC). Both annexed Palestine in their domains. Therefore, we find in the New Testament references to Greek coins (coin, didrachma, static) and Roman (penny) being used in Israel. There were also Jewish coins, such as the lepton.
If we have no idea of ​​the values ​​represented by coins, lose much of what the biblical text has to convey to us.
For example, the parable of the talents (Mt.25) is not always fully understood. Many think that they read a "talent" is a "skill" or "gift". This is consistent with current concepts and the Portuguese language dictionary. However, in the biblical text, talent is a financial measure.
Many people know this, but think that talent is a dime. Thus, they are compassionate to that servant who received only one talent. But the talent is about 20 kg. Silver. The Greek word for "money" in Mt.25.27 is "argurion" which means silver. A talent was worth 6,000 dinars. Knowing that a denarius was the payment by one day working in the field, a talent would correspond to 20 years of work. So the servant did not receive insignificant amount. What then of those who received two five talents? Understanding the financial value used by Jesus in the parable, we have a clearer perception of what he wanted to teach in relation to the investment that God does in His servants. Once you understand this, we can compare to all the talent that God gave us.
The same understanding must be taken to the parable of the uncompassionate (Mt.18.23-35). A servant owes the king the sum of 10,000 talents and not having to pay, was forgiven.Leaving the palace, he found his fellow servant who owed him 100 denarii. Using severity towards him, threw him in prison.There is a clear lesson about forgiveness. However, if we're better idea of ​​the values ​​involved. The servant owed 10,000 talents, which correspond to 60 million dinars, or payment for the 200,000 years of work. It was an absurd and unpayable debt. That was our debt of sin before God. The debt was just another servant 100 denarii, about 3 ½ months of work. A not so insignificant debt was forgiven by the servant who had been treated with such kindness by the king.
In another parable Jesus told of a man who gave his mines to his servants (Lc.19.13). We should not think he was talking about digging for the removal of precious metals. No way. The "mine" was also a financial measure, corresponding to 100 pence.
Finally, remember the price of betrayal. Judas received 30 pieces of silver to deliver the Master. This was the price of a slave market. Therefore, we see how Jesus was humiliated.Even though the Lord was sold for the price of a servant.
The lepton Jewish money was very little value, the smallest in circulation at that time. Each weighed less than 1 gram of copper and 20% value of a penny. Two of them were offered by the widow in the temple (Mc.12.42).
OBJECTIVE OF BIBLICAL EDUCATION FINANCE Many financial transactions mentioned in the Bible does not seem to be the focus of its writers. However, there are those passages that bring us clear teaching on this important area of ​​human life. The Bible teaches us about rights, duties and care related to money.
Sometimes, we extract principles by deduction. Other times, we find direct teachings on the subject.
The Bible teaches us about the right to property, including in relation to money, because we should not covet anything that is close (Êx.20.17). Poverty and wealth are secondary conditions in the human scale of biblical values. You can be rich or poor. God enriches and impoverishes whom he will (ISm.2.7), but the individual can make their own arrangements one way or the other. God gives wealth (Ec.5.19) and the devil can also do it (Mt.4.9).
The caution about spending can be seen in Lucas.14.28.Jesus said that he will build that should count the cost before starting work. Isaiah warns us about spending unwisely. "Why spend your money on what is not bread?" (Is.55.2).
The parable of the talents instructs us to do business and investments (Mt.25.14-30).
The word of the Lord does not forbid us to take loans, but insists that we be faithful in the payment of debts (Rm.13.8).
We are also told to pay taxes, even if governments are unjust, as was the case of the Romans (Rm.13.8). "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" (Mc.12.17).
CAUTION WITH GREED The Bible does not present a set of instructions for enrichment. Can we add, but this is not a purpose set by God's word to us, like a target in our lives. On the other hand, we find serious warnings in Scripture against the financial greed.
Many take Abraham as a model, wanting to be rich like him, but those same people (and men) do not want to be circumcised as he was. The richness and the circumcision of Abraham are not standards for us.
Many want wealth, but to the prayer of Agur nobody wants:
"Two things I ask, but do not refuse me before I die: far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only the bread that is necessary for me, that I had enough of you do not deny, and say, Who is Lord? or be poor, will not steal, and profane the name of God. "(Pv.30.7-9).
In fact, the experience of Agur is it, as well as the wealth of Abraham is not necessarily our model. What we need is to know God's specific purpose for each one of us, and do not want to copy to the biblical characters we please.
Israel received in the Old Testament, with emphasis on material promises and the result can still be seen today in that nation. The church, however, has a spiritual emphasis. The New Testament emphasizes the spiritual riches and treasures in heaven not on earth (Mt.19.21; Mt.6.19-21). The kingdom of Israel of this world, but not the church.
Money is important and necessary, but when we lose control over it, is the scarcity or abundance, we have major problems.This is what happens with the fire in our homes. We need it, but its usefulness while there is only controlled.
The world is moved by money, but the servant of God can not be. We need to be moved by faith and love. The money then becomes an instrument only. In the parable of the sower, Jesus said that some seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked them (Mt.13.22). This is the case of those who were seduced by wealth. The result was the destruction to their souls, for the seed of God's word does not bear fruit in their lives. Indeed, Christ taught that a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven, for covetousness is idolatry (Mt.19.23; Col.3.5). Not all rich are greedy, just as not every politician is corrupt, but the evidence is discouraging.
Wealth is not forbidden to Christians, but it is a minefield. Paul said to Timothy:
"For we brought nothing into this world, and nothing can take away, but having food and raiment, be therewith content. But those who want to become rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, gentleness "(ITm.6.7-11).
The Lord will supply all our needs, and we shall praise him for it. If he gives us more (or much more than that), we will be glad too, but the Christian must be willing to serve God and worship him, even in time of scarcity, as Habakkuk taught us (Hab.3.17-18) .
When the value of money is placed above the human, the fruit of this distortion will be envy, enmity, strife, hatred and death.To avoid the payment of alimony, there are those who resort to abortion and murder. The financial interest is also an important ingredient in the explosion of wars.
The Christian can not love money (Ec.5.10; 7.12; 10.19). "Ye can not serve God and mammon" (Mt.6.24). For this reason, the rich young man turned away from Jesus and went away (Mt.19.22). What should be a simple resource material has become a god, an idol.
If you have some money, it dominates. Do not be overwhelmed by it. Enjoy wisely. Do not lay up treasures on earth (Mt.6.19-21). This is the teaching of our Lord Jesus Christ.
GREED TO FIGHT THE GENEROSITY. Jesus and the apostles were never rich materially, but in the New Testament churches, there were possibly some wealthy people with financial situation. Paul warned Christians that the rich should not place their trust in riches, for they could end, but must trust in the Lord (ITm.6.17; Sl.62.10).
Money is necessary and important, but not the main in our lives. It can be in the pocket, but never in heart. The antidote to greed is generosity. Contribute to the work of God and the needy. We can not do one thing and forget the other.
DO NOT PUT THE CHRISTIANITY IN THE SERVICE OF MATERIALISM. At the time of Jesus' earthly ministry, some have wanted to put it in the service of human greed, but he refused the assignment (Lc.12.13-34).
We can not use the Bible, the ministry and Christian life as a source of material gain (ITm.6.5). The laborer is worthy of his wages, but the gospel is not meant to enrich anyone. Being poor is not a sin.
We can not sell the blessing of God, like Balaam (Jd.11) (although he wanted to sell curse). For this reason, his prophetic ministry is over.
We also can not buy a blessing, as he wanted Elymas, the magician. In this regard, Peter said to him: "Get your money with you to perdition, because thou hast purchased with money the gift of God" (At.8.20). Offers not buy a blessing.Attempting to do so is desecration and insult. God does not trade with their children. We give to please God, let him bless us as and whenever you want. The contribution of interest is motivated by selfishness disguised as a demonstration of spirituality.
We can not let go of spiritual values ​​in exchange for money, as did Judas Iscariot, who, for 30 pieces of silver, sold the Lord Jesus.
If any servant of God still want to be rich, you can work through it and, God willing, you can reach your goal. Being rich is no sin. What we can not is to put the wealth as a necessary effect of the gospel in the lives of converts. This is heresy.
The servant of God must be willing to lose everything for Jesus, if necessary, even life itself.
The apostles were wealthy men, since their work was successful. The gospel announced reached the ends of the earth, coming to us. They did not have large sums of money.They had no gold or silver, as Peter said to the cripple, but they were invested with the power of God (At.3.6). True prosperity has been the hallmark of their lives.
PARALLEL BETWEEN THE FINANCE AND SPIRITUALITY. The Bible uses economic issues as a figure of spiritual reality.Offense and debt are almost synonymous. "Forgive us our debts (trespasses) as we forgive our debtors (who trespass against us)" (Mt.6). Sin is the great debt of man before God.Jesus assumed the role of our guarantor before the Father (Heb.7.22). As we could not pay the debt, he paid with his blood and we have been forgiven.
LANDLORD AND STEWARDSHIP We must be aware that all silver and all gold belong to God (Ag.2.8). The "owners" of large fortunes die, leaving the silver and gold here. Likewise, money that theoretically we have belongs to God. We are stewards, we are accountable. After all, we ourselves belong to him.

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    25/Mar/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Os Sinais e Maravilhas da Mentira

    Estou cada vez mais preocupado com o número de pessoas que me escreve para descrever os sonhos, visões, profecias, etc., que "deus" lhes deu. Não questiono a sinceridade dessas pessoas — não tenho dúvidas que são sinceras — mas tenho grandes preocupações com relação à origem sobrenatural das comunicações que recebem! Agora ouçam bem, pessoal — pensem antes de reagir. Por qual autoridade estão essas coisas sendo passadas adiante e como é que elas não violam as recomendações de Deuteronômio 4:2 e Apocalipse 22:18-19 sobre não fazer acréscimos ou remoções da Palavra de Deus? As Escrituras estão completas e foram concluídas há quase dois mil anos e tudo o que Deus quer que saibamos está contido nelas. Assim, quando alguém presume estar fazendo acréscimos às Escrituras, está convidando a confusão espiritual e o caos — algo do qual Deus certamente não é o autor! [1 Coríntios 14:33] Muitos milhares — talvez milhões — de pessoas em todo o mundo estão agora insistindo que o que têm [...]

    19/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • As Pragas e Seu Significado

    Deus enviou as pragas, em resposta a uma pergunta de Faraó: Quem é o Senhor? (Ex 5:2). Deus queria que o povo soubesse que não existia Deus senão o Senhor. Deus queria destronar os deuses pagãos que o Egito possuía, e também, através das pragas libertar o seu povo. O objetivo do Senhor é proclamar o seu nome em toda a terra, porque o que acontecia no Egito (o mundo da época) toda terra ficaria sabendo. Todos teriam que saber que o mundo é do Senhor, toda a terra e a sua plenitude, e todos que nela habitam. Todas as pragas (exceto a dos primogênitos) tinham como objetivo envergonhar os falsos deuses.  A praga das águas tornando-se em sangue (Ex 7:19-25). O rio Nilo para os egípcios era um deus. Tal veneração era tanta que eles diziam que o Egito era a dádiva do Nilo. Achavam que as águas do Nilo eram abençoadoras e purificadoras. Então Deus fez com que as águas se tornassem em sangue para destronar esse deus. A praga das Rãs (Ex 8:1-15). Esta praga estava relacionada à [...]

    19/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Quanto vale a sua religião?

    “Se alguém entre vós cuida ser religioso, e não refreia a sua língua, antes engana o seu coração, e a sua religião é vã. A religião pura e imaculada para com Deus, o Pai, é esta: visitar os órfãos e as viúvas nas suas tribulações, e guardar-se da corrupção do mundo” (Tiago 1;26e27).          É possível que Tiago tivesse em sua mente a maneira religiosa com que os escribas e fariseus viviam, uma vez que o Senhor Jesus muitas vezes Se insurgiu, contra eles, pois eles amavam ser chamados de mestres ou rabis, e quando nas esquinas das praças, punham-se em pé, com as mãos erguidas para o céu, faziam largas orações para serem glorificados pelos homens. Em outras ocasiões visitavam as viúvas, usando os mesmos métodos; porém a sua intenção era de apropriar-se dos bens delas. Quanto valia essa religião? Tiago diz que ela era vã e que Deus a abomina. O mundo nosso está cheio de religiosos desta ou de outra marca. Mas que é religião? Segundo alguém [...]

    12/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Vídeo: confira a entrevista do Pr. Silas Malafaia no ‘De Frente com Gabi’

    Na noite deste domingo (3) foi ao ar o programa ‘De Frente com Gabi’, uma conversa franca e aberta entre a jornalista Marília Gabriela e o pastor Silas Malafaia, líder da igreja Assembleia de Deus Vitória em Cristo. Sempre polêmico, o pastor condenou abertamente o homossexualismo e a tentativa de ridicularizar os pastores em relação a finanças. Ele também negou os dados veiculados pela revista Forbes sobre sua renda e mostrou a declaração de Imposto de Renda provando que seu patrimônio é de R$4 milhões. O debate teve três blocos com assuntos distintos e gerou muitos comentários nas redes sociais. Enquanto o programa era exibido, a hashtag #MalafaiaDeFrenteComGabi liderou os Top Trending do Twitter. Outras duas palavras que também entraram no Top 10 dos assuntos mais comentados do Twitter foram: “Silas Malafaia” e “Marília Gabriela”. Nesta segunda-feira (4) a produção do “De Frente Com Gabi” informou que este programa superou todas as marcas anteriores, sendo o mais [...]

    06/Fev/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Oficial Sênior do governo Obama declara: "Nós vamos matar o dólar"

    O Diário Sheeple Kyle Bass, que sabe uma coisa ou duas sobre economia e finanças, recentemente falou com um membro do alto escalão da administração Obama sobre as suas soluções planejadas para consertar a economia dos EUA e déficit comercial. A resposta não deve surpreendê-lo. Quando perguntei a um membro do alto escalão do governo Obama na semana passada, 'Como é que vamos crescer as exportações, se não vamos permitir que a deflação salarial nominal? Ele diz, 'nós apenas estamos indo para matar o dólar. " Isso me preocupou. Então, que a única resposta. É uma resposta mortos. Mas, isso é para onde estamos indo. FONTE:

    30/Jan/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Samuel Tinha Direito de Oferecer Sacrifícios a Deus?

    Em 1 Samuel 13, o rei Saul foi condenado por fazer holocausto e ofertas pacíficas. Saul era benjamita, e os únicos sacerdotes autorizados pela lei eram levitas. Samuel repreendeu o rei duramente por ter assumido uma função que não pertencia a ele (1 Samuel 13:8-14). Mas quem autorizou Samuel a oferecer sacrifícios? Ele mesmo disse que faria o sacrifício em Gilgal (1 Samuel 10:8). A dificuldade se encontra em 1 Samuel 1:1, onde o pai de Samuel é descrito como efraimita. Dá a impressão que Samuel cometeu o mesmo erro pelo qual ele criticou Saul. Para entender o que Samuel fez, temos que considerar algumas outras passagens. Os levitas foram espalhados entre o povo, morando em várias cidades entre as outras tribos. Com o passar do tempo, se identificavam pelas regiões onde moravam. Segundo este costume, um levita falou que era da região montanhosa de Efraim (Juízes 19:1,18). Da mesma forma, Elcana, o pai de Samuel, foi descrito como efraimita (1 Samuel 1:1). Outras citações [...]

    30/Jan/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais

  • Criando Filhos Que o Mundo Odiará

    Quando eu era garoto, meu pai me perguntava: “O que você quer ser quando crescer?” E eu respondia com franqueza (adoravelmente, sem dúvidas), “um papai”. Quando meu implacável e realista pai me informou que ninguém me pagaria para ser pai, eu lhe disse que ficaria feliz se pagassem a mim. Em 2011, meu sonho de me tornar pai tornou-se realidade quando meu filho, Oscar, nasceu. Desde este dia, minhas esperanças e sonhos se voltaram para o que o Oscar será quando crescer. É claro que eu gosto de imaginar ele crescendo bonito, talentoso, piedoso e amável, mas não tem como saber isso ainda. É quase certo que ele terá uma grande afinidade pela Texas A&M (Universidade de pesquisa co-educational pública localizada em College Station, Texas) e pelo Green Bay Packers (time de futebol americano com base em Green Bay, Wisconsin). Sem dúvida, ele terá uma cabeleira decepcionante, gostará de comer e suará mesmo quando estiver frio. Para a maioria das coisas, no entanto, vou ter que [...]

    30/Jan/2013 | 0 Comentários | Leia mais